Add a few lines about the project. When you open a site via this template, the name of the tool/project/initiative will convert into the title of the site. A short description - which will be showed to all those connecting to the site as a teaser - helps to "get it". So, these few lines can be seen when sbd links to this site. Be consice and communicate the essentials. Add videos, maps and fotos if available.
add a quote or a remarkable sentence
# Aspirational Goals
# Legal Status & Location
Name the legal status, add a link if available. Add place/city + country and continent as a link (tag) -> Don't forget to link back! Finally, determine if the project is bioregional or transnational.
# When did they start?
add year if available + source if possible, if vanished add when and why
# How do they work?
if you don't go into a detailed description according to the triad - commoning/provisioning/peer-governance - add a short description about the project's work, strategies and practices.
# Funding and Finance Strategies
describe and add links to innovativ models or to partners, add important partnerships
# Which Core Dimensions of Commoning are enacted?
Two options: You add a general and interpretative description here,then get rid of the red font color. Or you add a short description per dimension. Whatever you do, it is important to signal the dimensions of Commoning, that, according to your judgement, are met and shortly explain why. You can also add another list with those that are irrelevant and/or not met.
- Cultivate Shared Purpose & Values - Strengthen the Nested-I - Contribute Freely - Practice Gentle Reciprocity - Ritualize Togetherness - Trust Situated Knowing - Deepen Communion with Nature - Preserve Relationships in Addressing Conflicts - Reflect on Your Peer-Governance
# Peer-Governance in the Commons
- Keep Commons & Commerce Distinct - Declare Shared Purpose & Values - Set Semi-Permeable Boundaries - Assure Commoners' Consent in Decisionmaking - Relationalize Property - Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust - Respect Human Dimensions* - Share Knowledge Often & Widely - Finance Commons Provisioning - Self-Monitor & Apply Graduated Sanctions
# How does Provisioning through commons occur?
Describe what is being produced and how in this Commons. Then, assess which elements of Provisioning through Commons are present? Be as concrete as possible, even storytelling might fit!
- Share the Risks of Provisioning - Make & Use Together - Honor Care & Decommodified Work - Pool & Share - Pool, Cap & Divide up - Pool, Cap & Mutualize - Trade with Price-Sovereignty - Use Convivial Tools - Rely on Distributed Structures - Produce Cosmo-Locally - Creatively Adapt & Renew
ontological ground and political culture
# Inner Kernel
- Epistemology - Ubuntu-Rationality. - Relational categories. name them
Proceed the same way selecting from the following dimensions
- Beat the Bounds of Capitalocentrism - [Protect & Extend Value Sovereignty] - Emulate & Then Federate - Strengthen Commons Public Circuits # State Functions for Commoning - Use or Establish Discrimination-Free Infrastructures - Provide Mediation & Support if Needed
# Realms of Commoning
delete those which don't apply; if you are missing a top-level-tag; put a note in [Notes to Silke]
Air&Atmosphere, Art&Culture, Communication, Democratic Innovation, Energy, Fisheries, Food, Forests, Health, Housing, Knowledge, Land, Learning, Mobility, Spirit&Well Being, Spaces for Commoning
# Sources
add the websites, documents and media you've drawn from
# See also
add closely related pages
# Additional Notes
add whatever information or idea might be useful for the future, below if needed another "foto transporter"