This is our first attempt to coin the dimensions of commoning (April 2017). It has been the basis for the framing of Make commoning work.
"Just as the logic of the market attempts to commodify, the logic of the commons is an effort to commonify." (Value Report: 17)
These were the dimensions we consider key for thriving commoning processes. An updated version can be found here: make commoning work.
- SITUATED KNOWING: Commoning respects the importance of place, embodied and situated knowledge - CARE-HONORING: Commoning honors the role of human care and affective labor while requiring active, personal commitment to a collaborative process. Acts of commoning elicit care from people. - PLURIVERSAL BEING: Commoning cultivates an ethics of pluralism to deal intelligently with the particularity and diversity of life. (See also pluriversality). - ADD ENLIVENING DIMENSION - ENTANGLED WITH NATURE: Commoning has the potential to foster a responsible stewardship of nature, because it highlights our interdependency on each other and on nature. - NON-CAPITALIST: Commoning asserts a sovereign break from the world envisioned by capitalism. Giving and taking are still related to each other, but there is no direct reciprocity between individuals or precise calculations of time or quantities. - CREATIVE ADAPTATION: The process of commoning invites a frank reconsideration of legacy norms and a creative development of new rules, procedures, organizational forms, and more.
# See also Commoning
# Source
Bollier/Helfrich (2017): Commoning. In: Dictionnaire des biens communs. M. Cornu, F. Orsi, J. Rochfeld, Dictionnaire des biens communs, PUF, html .