Muster Sozialer Prozesse

Es gibt analytische Mustersprachen und solche die dabei helfen, schöpferische, lebendige Prozesse zu erzeugen. Erstere sind deskriptiv. Letztere sind instruktiv, aber nicht preskriptiv. Sie leiten an. Sie schreiben nicht vor.

Christopher Alexander hat in "Nature of Order" (html ] explizit auf die Möglichkeit hingewiesen, auch soziale Prozesse mit dem Musteransatz zu fassen.

# Zitate zur Anwendbarkeit von Mustern auf Soziale Prozesse

If we are to imagine a process which can allow all of us in society to create our communal life together, then this process must - to an extraordinary extend - allow these ordinary feelings, our ordinary thoughts and passionss, to enter the world and therefore to enter the processes by which the world is made. No bureaucrat can handle this for us. NoO II, 549

We succeeded because we replaced an existing system with a large system in which every aspect of procedure, process, attitude, rules where changed: it worked. NoO II, 536

The Four Volumes of The Nature of Order. source

In principle, living processes of this class might then also be used to create everything else. They might, for instance, one day even be used as the processes for building human institutions, family discussions, for choices, for decisions of value, even politics. But that is, perhaps, looking a very long way into the future. NoO II:568

Throughout human society, human beings who use it will be capable of healing and remaking the ravaged Earth. NoO II:568

Alexander wirft einen Blick auf die Biologie der Zukunft und auf die "weit entfernte Zukunft". Und er bezieht sich dabei auf die Zukunft des "schrittweisen schöpferischen Prozesses". Er schreibt:

... you move forward in small, tiny steps. Each step accomplishes something concrete and good - one center at a time. Each step is taken forward, judged, by the impact it has on the whole. We are continuously evaluating the whole for its deep feeling, for its usefulness, for the support it gives to human experience. ... As versions of such processes are worked out for different situations in society, they may, ultimately, replace bureaucracy and the machinelike organization of large corporations and government. NoO II, 569

# Mustersprachen Sozialer Processe

Mary Linn Manns & Linda Rising; Fearless Change, html

# Sources

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