# The Power Laws of Innovation
Formulated by John Thackara at Doors of Perception 2006 html . John writes:
I'm at a Cursos De Verano (summer school) near Madrid. Just down the corridor, a bunch of senior generals are discussing the "army of the 21st century". Next to them, a some egg-head priests are discussing "the church of the 21st century". Our lot is doing innovation of the 21st century and I promised to post the following Power Laws before the Church and State guys leave town.
Power Law 1: Don't think 'new product' - think social value. Power Law 2: Think social value before tech. Power Law 3: Enable human agency. Design people into situations, not out of them. Power Law 4: Use, not own. Possession is old paradigm. Power Law 5: Think P2P, not point-to-mass. Power Law 6: Don’t think faster, think closer. Power Law 7: Don’t start from zero. Re-mix what's already out there. Power Law 8: Connect the big and the small. Power Law 9: Think whole systems (and new business models, too). Power Law 10: Think open systems, not closed ones.
# See also