Term Dropping

Here I add all the terms, projects, concepts, laws, initiatives open questions and so one, I'd like to have a closer look at at some point:


- add an extra site for the Self-Managed Footbal School at Nidiaci Community Garden?

- find better wording for the idea of "team-to-team" (reframing peer-to-peer)

- It is important to differentiate: "Vermögen" - (patrimony/property) for basic use/basic needs on the one hand and "capital generating income property" on the other (Kapitaleinkommen generierendes Vermögen)

# Projects we might add to our list

- Open Care html - 0DayMusic hmtl

- FCL - Common Land , @4CommonLand, Sustaining Active Pastoral Commoning, Great Britain html

- Kultur Energie Bunker, Hamburg, "Von Commons, Commoning und Commoners: Wie Gemeingüter gemacht werden. Eine Untersuchung des KulturEnergieBunkerProjekts in Altona." von Nicole Wolff

- Kultur Energie Bunker, Hamburg, "Von Commons, Commoning und Commoners: Wie Gemeingüter gemacht werden. Eine Untersuchung des KulturEnergieBunkerProjekts in Altona." von Nicole Wolff

- GEO html

- Open Clip Art html

- The Voice of the Farmers, Tansania html - Goteo, Crowdfunding without borders

- Real Estate commons in New York, html - Twelve Step Program wiki --> for governance practices - Gaspar Social, Cuba, social network set up by 4 freaks for their city, Gaspar for everybody's free use in a Country where internet-access is still uncommon & expensive; art - Sociocracy for All (Jennifer Rau)

- FairCoin

- Farm Hack

Added in 2018: - longo mai html


Urbagora html , Care Sharing html . Solawalz - Solidarische Landwirtschafts Texte: html

# Concepts - from responsibility includes responseAbility - libertarians shall be called proprietarians - irrational logic, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhYDpC2uP9s - wholeness, abundant mindsets - generative justice -> important to explain the "predistribution" idea wiki - upkeeping instead of innovating - downsourcing instead of outsourcing - simplification - heterarchy wiki , wiki - self-management = Self-organization? - evolutionary sense - ESPO Ecological and Social Profit Organization - Salutogenesis wikipedia - there is no such thing as neutrality - "encouragement to corruption" (fedwiki) - tech souvereignity - technological desobedience - venture communism?? - Wertschätzungsbeitrag , Prof. Rainer Mausfeld: "Falschwörterbuch“ des Neoliberalismus - permacircular currency Article by Math Slater html - open source drug discovery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source_Drug_Discovery

# Principles I came across High Awareness in Foraging, fedwiki

# Helpful sites

- Sanctuary Cities Wikipedia artl - The Noun Project -> Icons for Everything html