Peer governance in Commons is the process by which commoning and provisioning are aligned with ?? Ubuntu-Rationality, so that needs can be met, common use-value produced, and relationships deepened. This, in turn, helps produce a free, fair and sustainable society.
lore ipsum blablablablabla
According to the commons' symbiotic triad - commoning | provisioning | governing - Ubuntu-Rationality is the relational dynamic at play. Provisioning through Commons is the process whereby needs are met, common use value is produced, relations are deepened and care is taken for a free, fair and sustainable society. And Peer Governance in Commons is the way all relationships within this triade are activated and steered.
# Conditions
Peer Governance in Commons is premised on ...
# Features - connects equipotentiality - i.e. the fact that all the participants have an equal possibility and ability to contribute, although not all of them have the same skills and abilities with equal responsibility for the whole - is based on an heterarchical power-management [heterarchy wiki]
# Patterns of Peer Governance in Commons
- Keep Commons & Commerce Distinct - Develop Shared Purpose & Values - Set Semi-Permeable Boundaries - Assure Commoners' Consent in Decisionmaking - Relationalize Property - Ritualize Togetherness - Share Knowledge Often & Widely - Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust - Finance Commons Provisioning - Self-Monitor & Apply Graduated Sanction
# Peer Governance for Peer Production
The P2P Foundation wiki
"Peer governance is a new mode of governance and bottom-up mode of participative decision-making that is being experimented in peer projects, such as Wikipedia and FLOSS (Bauwens, 2005a, and 2005b). Thus peer governance is the way that peer production, the process in which common value is produced, is managed." (Vasilis Kostakis, wiki )
# See also
# Sources
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# Related Concepts Peer Governance in Commons builds on but is not the same as - bottom up participation in decentralized systems - participatory discretionality in