Open Olitor Principles

The open source tool Open Olitor is transnational by design. It is available for any CSA in Europe. OpenOlitor International is not organized as an autonomous structure, it is a p2p team composed by the people who join the project. As a team they have defined the following principles.

Cooperation, responsibility, participation and affiliation: The Open Olitor team collaborate with anybody interested in OpenOlitor. Collaboration can take a wide variety of forms (eg, information exchange, punctual collaboration or close collaboration with the OpenOlitor core team). The team expects that people interested in collaboration identify their tasks and role in the project, while committing to provide guidance, knowledge and information.

Documentation, transparency: all ideas and activities, tasks fulfilled etc must be documented as detailed as possible, so that the development of OpenOlitor can be understood by novices and third parties. All topics, controversial or not, must be published and shared.

Decision making: anybody who feels interpellated by a topic can engage in a decision making process on the topic. Those interested in and knowledgeable on the topic will be ask for advice. The person who starts the decision making process, collects feedback and advice to be taken into account during the decision making. (The decision does not entail the others. ??)

Compliments, mistakes and feedback: good work will be applauded. Mistakes are recognized as soon as discovered. Any feedback is based on knowledge and consideration.

Appropriateness and pragmatism: any decision to make or measure to take must be appropriate and serve to the purpose of developing Open Olitor. Furthermore, it must be necessary. No common line is sought for topics, that are neither appropriate nor necessary for the further development of the software.

Multilingualism: Open Olitor does not have a predefined language.

Money, property and power: "we speak about money and we leave property relations open". Pprogramming, support, consulting must be paid.

Tasks, responsibility and autonomy: anyone who completes a task assumes responsibility for its execution. Taking this into account, everybody can engage in a task autonomously.

Simplification: OpenOlitor software can represent complex organizational structures, but the software by itself does not lead to simplification. A simplification of the organizational structure allows the administrative work to be reduced.

# See also Social Charter