
NetHood is about bridging the digital with the physical space; sharing ideas and experiences, affirming differences; building together local solutions for local needs, including: DIY networking, social infrastructures, complementary currencies, cooperative housing, and Community Supported Agriculture

add a quote or a remarkable sentence


# Aspirational Goals



# Legal Status & Location

non-profit organization based in Zurich, Switzerland,transnational.

# When did they start?

NetHood has been founded by three people with strong interest in localities, bringing together knowledge from different fields: urban design and place making, computer science and interdisciplinary research, and complementary currencies.

# How do they work?


Nethood facilitates information exchanges and collaborations between researchers, practitioners, activists, and citizens around its objectives; the participation in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, education, and action projects; and the development of Do-It-Yourself tools and methodologies for empowering local actors to build networked localities that can support each other without suppressing their differences. The vision of NetHood is to plant seeds of collective awareness, critical listening, long-term thinking, social learning and reflective action toward sustainable social life. - initiatives are considered part of networks, from networks to the ground and vice-versa sociality negotiated and enacted locally, in physical space commons is considered as commons and shared in the network

# How are they financed?

NetHood participates in two new EU-funded Horizon2020 projects, MAZI and netCommons and local initiatives on cooperative housing and complementary currencies.


# Which Core Dimensions of Commoning are enacted?

Two options: You add a general and interpretative description here,then get rid of the red font color. Or you add a short description per dimension. Whatever you do, it is important to signal the dimensions of Commoning, that, according to your judgement, are met and shortly explain why. You can also add another list with those that are irrelevant and/or not met.

# Peer-Governance in the Commons

Principles as laid down in their Charter html nethood aims to achieve sustainability through diversity, pluralism, civility, and tolerance in the hybrid environments of our cities, following the Do-It-Yourself and local4local principle (the use of local tools and processes to support local activities and needs). nethood treats the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a means, rather than an end, to shape convivial and self-organized communities, respecting privacy, allowing ownership and appropriation of the hybrid space, and addressing digital and other divides. nethood promotes face-to-face communication, and exchanges of knowledge and services between those in physical proximity, by bridging the virtual with the physical space of the hybrid city. nethood participates in activities of similar initiatives and grassroots processes that produce hybrid space according to its principles, promoting the creation of flexible networks between like-minded groups that allow them to join forces while keeping their independence. nethood stimulates encounters between diverse actors through interdisciplinary events, urban installations, small group visits, gatherings and storytelling, contributing to the creation of common understandings and transfer of knowledge. nethood engages in interdisciplinary research and education, and local projects regarding hybrid space design, DIY technologies, complementary currencies, and social action in the city, empowering local actors to take the role of self-appointed public characters, who have the knowledge and skills to sustain local communities. nethood contributes to the creation of an open hybrid framework for empowering citizens to build local (contextualized) communities and learn from each other's experience.


# How does Provisioning through commons occur?


Describe what is being produced and how in this Commons. Then, assess which elements of Provisioning through Commons are present? Be as concrete as possible, even storytelling might fit!

ontological ground and political culture

# Inner Kernel

Proceed the same way selecting from the following dimensions


# Realms of Commoning

delete those which don't apply; if you are missing a top-level-tag; put a note in [Notes to Silke]


# Sources

add the websites, documents and media you've drawn from

# See also


# Additional Notes

add whatever information or idea might be useful for the future, below if needed another "foto transporter"