These are a few quotes from Massimo de Angelis' essay "Commoning and Radical Transformation (html ) published in 2012.
His core idea is, that the notion of commoning is epistemically decoupled from capital!
Commoning is defined as the social process, inherent to the pooling of resources, which creates and reproduces the commons.
In the context of the citizen's income debate(see UBI), de Angelis argues that
„it will never be possible to live on citizen's income if the latter is the result of a deal with capital“.
„However, it may be possible to find ways make citizen's income 'dysfunctional' to capital's reproduction process insofar as it becomes a condition for the development of alternatives founded through a commoning that creates new subjectivity while meeting needs. For example, it would be necessary to think how to pool together part of this income and use it to reinforce cooperative forces (commons) that satisfy needs and at the same time are founded on radically different value practices.“
„...practices of commoning, of sharing resources, of solidarity, of gift that allows the workers as social body to express this force (in strikes, in support, in patterns of mutual aid, etc.“
„This social labour and correspondent forms of cooperation located within commons and that (re)produce them is what we call 'commoning'.
commoning & commons
De Angelis assumes (and we agree to a large extend) three constitutive elements of the commons: - pooled resources, composed by non-commodified means of fulfilling human needs* - community, understood as the human collective that shares these resources and defines the access and use rules - process of commoning
# See also Definitions of Commoning