Linda Rising (wiki , website html
) is credited as having played a major role in having "moved the pattern approach from design into corporate change."html, page 245
Just because something has been used by three persons it doesn't mean it works. --> where is the evidence?
This is how we deal with resistance:
- we usually believe opponents are missing facts, so all we need is to supply information
- but we are not designed to react to data, we don't make decisions based on facts
- we usually have a "confirmation bias" wiki
- if somebodey challenges our ideas, we work harder to prove our view -> "backfire effect".
# The Big Problem with Patterns
- three known uses or just because something is being used, doesn't mean it works -> we must include more science experiments - we .... ADD - be prepared to be wrong But, yes "It can be learned and then practiced."
# Recommendation - add Validation to the pattern structure - or "empirical prove"
- Patterns and techniques are not band-aids. - The best approach ist holistic - people and organizations ar Complex Systems (in fact, they are Complex Adaptive Systems. Any small change changes everything.