Silke, I've added to this list just to expand our inventory of examples, in rough groupings. Please add to it and revise.
# Self-Governance Tools in Networked Spaces - Benevolent founder & director, e.g., Craig Newmark (Craigslist), Linux Torvalds (Linux) and crowdfunded projects. - Open platforms that host low-commitment contributions that are loosely managed by self-selected curators. -> question: how do open platforms relate to our discrimination-free platforms? - Platform cooperatives as a class of digital commons that own and co-manage network platforms and resources. - Design protocols to enable sharing such as TCP/IP, HTML, open source standards, etc. - Smart contracts & digital autonomous organizations, DAO, using blockchain & online algorithms encoded with governance rules. - Community elders and affiliated foundation, as in open source communities like Apache, Perl and Debian Linux. - Open access journals as a hybrid of commons-based participation and nonprofit hierarchy, using CC licenses and open platforms.
# State - Commons Governance Regimes
Public Commons Partnership as developed by US Forest Service in co-managing the Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon, or the Bologna Regulation or the Charter of the Eco-Quartier of Lausanne.
Participatory budgeting as a kind of Public Commons Partnership.
- Community wealth trusts that act as trustees for revenues collected from various commercial users of common assets, as outlined by Peter Barnes.
Community charters as a way to assert self-determination, especially in conflicts with the state. See Atlas of the Charters of Urban commons html ; the Great Lakes Commons Declaration html
; and Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund html
# Socio-Legal Agreements
Multistakeholder cooperatives as a way to enlarge the circle of governance beyond "consumers" and "providers" to include families, volunteers and community members.
Joint management by LLC and coop to prevent coop from liquidating assets if they appreciate, e.g., the housing coop Mietshauser Syndikat, Germany.
Subsistence land tenure systems. See "Barbets Duet project (Barbara Heinzen), which proposes a "mosaic rights system" for land; and 2017 UN FAO report and CGIAR/CAPRi 2010 report, "Resources Rights and Cooperation: A Sourcebook on Property Rights and Collective Action for Sustainable Development."
Omni-commons that serve as administrative, fiscal and legal hosts for smaller enterprises with a commons orientation. E.g., Omni Commons of Oakland html ; Cecosesola interview
Nondominium agreement used by open value networks to act as "flow-through entities" that function as trusts for members.