A wiki page is rendered with a colored border when that page has been retrieved from other than the origin site. A hover over the page flag may explain details.
A Blue halo indicates the page has been retrieved from a remote site. Editing will automatically fork the page to the origin site and remove the halo.
A Green halo indicates the page has been retrieved from documentation stored with a plugin installed on the server hosting the origin site.
A Yellow halo indicates the page has been retrieved from browser local storage. Pages are stored here when edits are prevented at the origin due to login or networking considerations.
# Workflow
Change a Blue page by forking it to the origin.
Change a Blue page at its origin by clicking the page flag.
Change a Green page by editing. (Green is not removed)
Change a Yellow page by forking it to the origin.
Change a Yellow page by editing. (Yellow is not removed)
Authors of plugins will use a separate local wiki to edit plugin documentation before publishing their work.
# Questions by Silke
■ Not sure what "fork to the origin" means; ""ZUM Original forken??)" will ask @Jon so that he can explain it to me in German
A fork tries to copy a page to the origin server (where you started on one browser tab). If you are logged into the origin then it will be saved there. Otherwise it is saved as browser local storage associated with the origin site.
■ Changing a Blue page will remove the blue halo. Right?
Yes, so long as you are logged into the origin, otherwise blue will go to yellow.
■ Change a Green page by editing but not forking, right? -> means edits will not be stored at my fedwiki but on the server hosting the side?
No, editing implies forking and the copy always goes to the origin or local storage associated with the origin. The green should probably go away when this happens but it doesn't. We will change this someday.
■ Yellow is not removed. Why?
If you edit a yellow page then it stays in browser local storage and stays yellow. If you fork with the fork button then it tries again to save the page to the origin. If this works, then yellow goes away.
# How Pages Move
We'll describe each kind of page and how they change from one kind to another. See Flow Network Template
See also Where Pages Live
We link pages by Collaborative Links that can lead to any of these kinds of pages. Editing or forking can move pages to new locations.
These are the colors and corresponding locations of pages we support in federated wiki.
The color code is that used on US highway signs: white: regulation, blue: information, green: guide, yellow: warning. post