arrangements of self-ownership

Self-owned institutions are based on a combination of trusted leadership with possession rights of all actively involved as opposed to full property rights of the owners. Self-owned institutions ignore economic stakes (like shares on the stock market) or consanguinity. They rely on a what might be called "value and capability kinship" ("Werte- und Fähigkeitenverwandschaft"

The make sure, that what is in the system (in the commons) cannot be taken out or alienated - nor by the economically nor by the socially powerful. The legal arrangement prevents this from happening.

Current forms of property arrangement usually include the right of alienation. This is why the faith of the institution heavily depends on the good will and the ethics of the owner. A self-owned institution therefor actively limits the possibilities to sell or alienate the institution.

Some call it "sense or responsibility ownership" (Sinn- oder Verantwortungseigentum)

So können Start-ups auch auf ganz neue Art zusammenarbeiten, weil für jeden klar ist: Wenn ich dem anderen helfe, helfe ich der Mission des Unternehmens und nicht dem anderen zu seinem nächsten Porsche. Das motiviert auch Mitarbeiter. Wer arbeitet schon gerne für die Vermögensvermehrung von anderen reichen Leuten?

# Examples