Active Learning Patterns for Teachers

45 Patterns for japanese teachers to help their students to be active learners, by Takashi Iba (Keio University), Yochihiro Utsonomyia & Konomi Munakata, aka ALP.

# Context VUCA society wiki , volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity -> Everyone needs to be an active learner --> no time for extra activities, not suiting the different situations of students

# The Creation Process of a Pattern Language -> see Pattern Mining



# Clusters

- Identify the Seeds of Curiosity and Let them Grow: f.i. - Lift them Up to the Next Level: f.i. "positive confusion" - Enhance Each Other, Keep Changing: f.i. "passionate topics"

# Tools for Using PL in Real Situations

- Assessment with The Radar Chart

- Booklet: Including Quotes from Mining Interviews

- Cards

- Training for Teachers in High Schools -> Dialogue Workshops

# Sources

# Take Aways - Iba and his team/students usually group THREE patterns together -> enables them also to easily use The Radar Chart as assessment tool. - Two is to less, four too complex to deal with in everyday experience